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Electronic Prescription Service - FHIR API


.codeinline.example {word-wrap: anywhere;} Use this API to access the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS). EPS is the national service used to send electronic prescription messages between prescribers and community dispensers. Prescribers in primary and secondary care can:

create a prescription

encode data so the prescription is ready to sign

cancel a prescription

Creating and cancelling a prescription are both done by the prescriber. Encoding data so the prescription is ready to sign is done by the prescribing system. Dispensers can:

download an individual prescription from EPS

download a batch of prescriptions from EPS

return a prescription to EPS

submit a dispense notification to EPS

withdraw a dispense notification from EPS

submit a dispense claim

You cannot currently use this API to:

view a prescription's detailed dispense history


Electronic Prescription Service - FHIR API documentation

